Petit Hotel Natura: boutique resort with extensive breakfast & dietary options
Considering a stay at Petit Hotel Natura? Included as standard at Petit Hotel Natura: an extensive breakfast buffet. Every morning from 8:30 am, you can enjoy a wide selection of bread, cheeses, cold cuts, fresh fruit, yogurt, and even customize your own eggs on the outdoor terrace. Do you have special dietary needs? Not a problem for us!
Special dietary needs and allergies
At Petit Hotel Natura, we ensure that guests with dietary requirements or allergies can fully enjoy their stay. Our resort offers a variety of alternatives and has an extensive range of products to meet your needs.
Please note any details and specifics when booking your reservation, and we'll ensure everything is arranged in advance. If you encounter any dietary needs or allergies during your stay, you can always rely on us. We're here to discuss your food preferences and ensure you can fully enjoy your vacation at the boutique Petit Hotel Natura in Gran Canaria, worry-free!